A few basic tips if you have an interest in photography. Using these basic tips will help you to get better images and also give you a better understanding of how your camera works. With software, some of these tips might apply to a mobile phone but mostly they are used using an SLR — (single lens reflex) Camera.
ISO : Before you even take an image using the correct ISO can really help, ISO is a standard which is from old 35mm film camera’s. ISO is what gives a grain in images. Depending on how much light is available pick the correct ISO to match. The higher the ISO the more grain, which can look good or bad depending on what you are doing. As a general rule, I have always found around ISO 400 is best and works well for most situations. ISO is a measure of light sensitivity. So give a check around your camera’s settings and try it out.
APERTURE : Is how much light you are allowing into the camera, the more light the larger the aperture and brighter the image will be, also the larger the aperture the more out of focus or depth of field your image will have. The smaller the aperture the darker the image will be. This is measured in what is know as F stops. 5.6 is always nice, and offers the best of both world and a good amount of light.
APERTURE LENS : As we spoke about, this is the actual camera lens. When you change the aperture, different amounts of light are let into the camera sensor to allow an image to form.
SHUTTER SPEED : Using a very slow shutter speed, will allow you to capture this little bouncing fellow in full motion but also makes it very hard to make out what the object jumping up and down is. But using a very fast shutter speed can make for a darker im- age which is called overexposed. A good shutter speed is 1/60 which captures a sharp image while also getting good light. When it comes to shutter speed, anything below 1/60 it is recommended to use a tripod so the image is not overly distorted and can be seen much more clearly.
These tips can really help you achieve the effect you want, and hopefully it will be fun too! The big thing is experimentation, it costs nothing these days to play around with digital photography and you can achieve some really cool stuff. The big thing to know is there is a relationship between shutter speed and aperture and knowing how they both react to reach other is key. Let us know if you have any good tips for photography!